17 October, 2007

So, the more I think about racing CX this weekend, the more it scares the crap out of me. What am I thinking? I haven't been training....much, I haven't raced since April, and I'm going way out of my element and doing something out of my comfort zone. I feel totally unprepared, and am having some serious doubts. It's become an obsession. I don't expect to do well at all. I really just want to finish, even if that is in last place. I know that if I can get some time, train and eat right that I'll be fine by the Lincoln weekend. Is there a way to actually prepare for something that you have never done before? I've been asking everyone I know lately for advice and tips, but this mental hurdle needs to be overcome. I'm battling my head, and that's the hardest enemy of all, no matter what. I feel like I'm being stupid and over thinking everything, like I'm prone to do. It's just me, and my way.


bryan said...

Can you prepare for something you've never done? Sure you can.

You need to worry about one thing, and one thing only. If it's finishing, cool. Worry about that. But don't fret over anything else. Just race as hard as you can, focusing on finishing. Along the way, something may happen that will spur you on for next time.

You'll be fine. Just go ride your bike.

Flanders said...

Matt, just ride your bike. That's what I'm doing. Do you really think I'm ready for a cross race after training for an Ironman. Two different events. Two very dfferent heart rates.
You have to start somewhere and this will help us for the Lincoln races.